Boker Tov Y’all! I pray your rest was shalom. As many of you know I live a complete holistic lifestyle(however I love chips and cheese🤪)! Lol...back on track. With my house being a Vaccination free zone(myself included).
I was raised to use herbs and food as medicine. So when members of my family get sick I just go to my FARMacy and whip up what we need. I’ve been blessed to inherit wisdom and knowledge on how to #HealThySelf. What I thought was then worst childhood every(we were vegan to in the 70’s as well).
However now as an adult I’m thankful for the lifestyle. All 3 of my Sun’s at one time or another had some type of respiratory issues. So I’ve come up with a amazing recipe for an alternative to albuterol, that has absolutely no side effects.
Here's what you will need
2T Oregano
2T Basil
2T Thyme
2T Echinacea
3T Grated Ginger
1 SM pot with lid
1 8oz glass jar with lid
Mesh strainer or cheese cloth
10oz distilled water
Breathing machine
In a clean SM pot add your 8oz of water along with all the herbs. Bring to a boil, turn off,place the lid on. Allow your natural Albuterol to sit for 20-30 minutes. Once cooled, run through mesh strainer or cheese cloth
several times, to remove all the herbs.
Add natural Albuterol to your breathing machine like you would Albuterol. Repeat as needed!
Light,Love,and Shalom
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Friday, November 17, 2017
Knowledge is Power
Shalom Y’all,
I’ve had several ppl asked me about my belief on Chakras(or as I like to call it Energy Center) and the different stones associated with them,and the 3rd Eye(Pineal Gland) which provides the energy for spiritual awakening, insight,and understanding! I do not argue this point with anyone, because! I have(through my studies in Torah)understand the significants of it,and even the instructions given to Moses from the Most High,concerning the stones in the Ephon(the breast plate) the High Priest wore. So I’m not here to persuade or convince you either way do ya own research.
Have ever wondered about the significance of the 12 foundation stones in New Jerusalem? In Revelation chapter 21, John describes seeing the new Jerusalem (heaven), and he goes into detail about the 12 foundation stones, the streets of pure gold and the pearl gates. If you have read my other articles, you know that each crystal and stone has its own unique vibration and healing properties. In this first installment of my “Crystals and The Bible” series, we are going to be taking a closer look into the meanings and properties of these 12 stones mentioned in the Bible.
Crystal and the Bible
Revelation 21: 18-21
In Revelation chapter 21, God shows John the new Jerusalem. After describing the measurements of the holy city, John tells us about the precious stones garnishing the foundation of the wall.
18 And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass.
19 And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald;
20 The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst.
21 And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass. (KJV)
When John speaks of Jasper, he is speaking of the same stone mentioned in Revelation 21:11, which he describes as clear as crystal. Many say that the Jasper he speaks of is Streets of Goldactually Diamond. Imagine massive walls made entirely of diamond!
Have you ever seen gold so pure, it was like clear glass? No, of course you haven’t! This purest gold we will walk on in heaven is nothing like the gold we have here on earth. It is so pure that it is clear.
The 12 Foundation Stones in New Jerusalem
Let’s look into the the stones used to build the foundations of the walls that we will see when we get to heaven. Here on earth, each one of these stones has very beneficial healing powers by just being near us, and knowing their meanings may give us some insight into why God would choose these stones for us in heaven. Instead of using pharmaceutical drugs that are man made, we can use crystals and stones that God made, for physical and emotional healing here on earth.
Jasper for HealingAs stated before, John may have been speaking of Diamond when he said Jasper. He could have also been speaking of a Jasper so pure, it was crystal clear, so we will take a closer look at Jasper and Diamond.
Jasper is mostly known for its ability to bring comfort and security. It makes sense that God would use Jasper in the very first foundation, He is the ultimate comforter, and we can feel secure in the fact that one day we will live for eternity in this glorious place he prepared for us. Jasper can also provide perseverance and determination to get through any difficult task.
Diamonds are a symbol of purity. In the New Jerusalem, sin will be completely non-Diamonds for Healingexistent, and we will all be completely pure. Diamond is excellent for bringing love and clarity to our relationships on earth. This stone is a powerful healer of emotional pain, and can also help to bring you more spiritual enlightenment. Diamonds have also been effectively used to treat dizziness, vertigo and many types of allergies.
Sapphire for HealingKing Solomon and Abraham both wore talismans of Sapphire, and some say that the laws given to Moses were engraved on tablets of Sapphire. This stone is sometimes called the “stone of wisdom” and is said to bring insight, protection and wisdom. It has been worn for thousands of years by many religious people to help keep them on their spiritual path. They also wore Sapphires as symbols of celestial hope and faith and to bring good fortune. For physical healing, these stones can be used to heal insomnia, eye infections, depression, fever, and headaches. Also, Sapphire is excellent for improving your communication skills.
Chalcedony is a nurturing crystal that absorbs negative energy and dissipates it. Wearingchalcedony for healing it helps instill feelings of benevolence and generosity. Our God is a benevolent God, and He wants us to treat others with the generosity He treats us with. If you sometimes feel like you are having a difficult time communicating with God, holding Chalcedony will help you to open up more and freely communicate with Him. For those who speak before they think and tend to hurt others, this stone can be worn to help hold back some of those words that shouldn’t be said. For physical healing, Chalcedony can be used to alleviate throat inflammations, glaucoma and depression.
Emerald for HealingThe Emerald is a symbol of rebirth, which makes it a perfect stone to be in a foundation in the new Jerusalem. When you give your life to Yeshua and decide to follow Him, it is said that you have been reborn. You are no longer the same sinful person. When you wear this stone, you may notice your love and emotions beginning to resonate with God’s divine love. He wants us to love others like He loves us. Feeling this love and compassion for all other living things is essential for being the people that we should be. Wearing an emerald will also help bring prosperity and good health to your life.
Sardonyx is a highly protective stone and is known for bringing more self control. If yousardonyx for healing need more mental discipline and motivation, this is the stone for you. Sardonyx is actually a mix of Carnelian and Onyx, therefore it contains the healing properties of both. In ancient Egypt, people wore Sardonyx to protect them from evil and bring courage. For physical healing, this stone has been used to alleviate allergy symptoms and back pain. We should all be honest people with strong moral principles, which can be hard when we live in the world that we do. Carry or wear Sardonyx to help keep you on track and maintain your integrity.
Carnelian For HealingThe stone that we call Carnelian today was called Sardius in the KJV of the Bible. Carnelian was worn by ancient warriors for courage and power. This is also an excellent stone for overcoming your fear of speaking in front of a crowd. Carnelian is also a great stone for enhancing your creativity and motivation. Physically, this stone has been used to treat arthritis, depression, back problems and kidney issues. Carnelian, being a symbol of passion and love, is a perfect stone to be used in the foundation in new Jerusalem.
peridot for healingSince there is not a gemstone actually called Chrysolite, many scholars believe John was speaking of the stone Peridot. It is best known for increasing self-esteem. Using Peridot will also help you to let go of guilt you may feel from past mistakes. Remember that Yeshua has forgiven you, and you should forgive yourself. Peridot will also help you to appreciate this beautiful planet that God made for us. For physical healing, this stone is said to heal ulcers and help with heart and lung problems. If you would like to gain more confidence and bring more joy in your life, Peridot is the stone for you.
Beryl actually represents a group of stones including aquamarine, emerald, heliodor andberyl for healingmorganite. I am not sure which one of these stones John was speaking of, but I believe it was aquamarine. The beryl of choice during that time was aquamarine, so he could have been speaking of that particular stone. Seamen carried aquamarine in ancient times to protect them from drowning and promote safe travel. This stone is said to enhance spiritual communication, which would make it a great stone for the foundation.
aquamarine for healingAquamarine is also an excellent stone for helping you overcome being judgmental. We should look at all people with love and understanding, and get to know them, instead of passing judgement at first sight. Everyone sins, and we should not be judging others for their sins before looking into ourselves. Aquamarine is great for helping you realize your inner-most truths. For physical healing, this stone has been used for respiratory illnesses, skin conditions and eye problems.
topaz for healingTopaz is a stone of truth and forgiveness. The Lord said that vengeance is His, and if we have trouble remembering that, Topaz is the perfect stone to wear to promote forgiveness instead of vengeance. This stone can be found in many different colors including blue, golden, champagne, red, pink, yellow, brown, green and clear. Topaz is said to be a stone of good fortune, and diplomats used to wear them, because they said it helped them discover their opponents secret plans and make an informed decision. Topaz has been known to bring wisdom and protect the wearer from lies. Physically, this stone can help with insomnia, high blood pressure and asthma.
lemon chrysoprase for healingToday we call this stone Chrysoprase and is commonly found in apple green. Back in the time that Revelation was written, the golden and yellowish-green stones were more common. This stone is said to bring love and prosperity. You should use Chrysoprase if you wish to better accept yourself and others. I believe this stone is included in the foundation, because Chrysoprase is said to help us understand the Divine Truth. We may already know the truth of Yeshua, but we could definitely use some help in finding all the truths that we should know. For physical healing, this stone can help with high blood pressure, eye problems, depression, and insomnia.
Jacinth can be blue, reddish-orange or violet, and today we call it zircon. The Jacinthblue zircon for healing referred to in Revelation was most likely a blue-violet stone, since the word Jacinth is derived from the Latin word, hyacinthus. In the 11th century, this stone was used to protect the wearer from injury. During the Middle Ages, people believed these stones brought wealth, honor and wisdom. It has been said that Jacinth fosters spirituality and aids you during prayer. Violet Jacinth is best known for its power to bring money, while blue Jacinth is an emotional healer. It is said to heal many physical ailments including asthma, allergies, respiratory problems and liver issues.
Amethyst For HealingKnown to the ancients as the “gem of fire”, Amethyst is the most powerful spiritual healer. Many use this crystal to tap into higher levels of consciousness. Amethyst is also a very protective stone and will protect the wearer from evil and physical harm. This stone is also known for its emotional healing powers and ability to boost creativity. Besides being a powerful spiritual healer, I believe Amethyst was mentioned for use in the foundation, because it’s a stone of wisdom that can bring greater understanding. It is excellent to use during prayer to still your thoughts to better receive guidance from God. Amethyst is said to be an excellent immune system booster, and using it can help heal arthritis, skin conditions, headaches, digestive issues, insomnia, and depression.
What about the Pearl Gates?
Also mentioned in Revelation are 12 massive gates, with each being made of a single pearl. Imagine the size of the mollusks that created those! Pearls are said to nurture your integrity, faith, purity and loyalty. They are also said to attract prosperity and wealth. I believe the gates are made from pearl mainly because pearls symbolize purity, and we are all made pure by Yeshua. All we have to do is talk to Him, believe in Him, commit to Him, turn from our sins, and we are given eternal life.
pearls for healing
Will I get to see this New Jerusalem?
Yes! This glorious place is for ALL of us, and it’s really not difficult to get there. Some of you reading this may not have accepted Yeshua yet (Many call Him “Jesus,” but His name is truly Yeshua, and if there is power in the name, then we best be saying the right one). He really is the key to eternal life. Accept Him by telling Him, then begin the healing process by repenting (turning away) of the bad things you do, and that’s it…you cannot, and do not have to, work your way into heaven. Imagine how it feels to know, that when you die, there is an awesome place like this waiting for you! We can be close-minded and believe that when we die, we just go into the ground….and that’s it. Why would anyone want to live like that? There is hope. This life is NOT meaningless. No matter what you’ve done (nothing you’ve done is so bad that it cannot be forgiven), this place is promised to you.
Some may believe it is extremely hard to receive this forgiveness and become pure…but it’s actually very simple. Do you feel that in your heart? God is trying to reach out to you. Simply say, I’m listening. Call on Yeshua and tell him that you accept Him. Ask for forgiveness from those sins, and you will be forgiven. Just like that! Commit your life to Him.
You may have heard it a million times, but read these verses and let them soak in, “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Yeshua is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.” (Romans 10:9-10)
Also, check these verses out.
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
10 For we are his workmanship, created in Yeshua unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:8-10)
And one you may have heard a thousand times, but never really let soak in
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
Yes, it is that easy. Accept the gift of eternal life. I will see you on the streets of gold.
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Evaluate to Elevate...
Shalom Y'all,
I pray all are doing well in the cyber world? So much has changed since my last blog. I've had several life changes that were completely out of my control. However I've decided to take it all as a lesson of life.
Lol life is truly like a box of chocolates, you honestly don't know what you are going to get. However you have the power to control how you respond to these ups and downs. You can either let it end you and allow yourself to stay in that space,or you can use this time to self reflect andnEvaluate to Elevate you for your higher purpose.
The choice really is yours☺. So to all those that many be going through changes that are out of your control, hang in there. Because the beauty of it all is..Rainbows always come after the storm. This present space is just preparing you for the next stage of life. The Best is Yet to
So until next time,I'm sending light,love,healing, and shalom.
Sunni D 💙
I pray all are doing well in the cyber world? So much has changed since my last blog. I've had several life changes that were completely out of my control. However I've decided to take it all as a lesson of life.
Lol life is truly like a box of chocolates, you honestly don't know what you are going to get. However you have the power to control how you respond to these ups and downs. You can either let it end you and allow yourself to stay in that space,or you can use this time to self reflect andnEvaluate to Elevate you for your higher purpose.
The choice really is yours☺. So to all those that many be going through changes that are out of your control, hang in there. Because the beauty of it all is..Rainbows always come after the storm. This present space is just preparing you for the next stage of life. The Best is Yet to
So until next time,I'm sending light,love,healing, and shalom.
Sunni D 💙
Saturday, July 29, 2017
The Drinking Gourd
A few weeks ago Masai and I had the pleasure of going to the 6th annual Paseo West Community Garden party ,and had a BLAST! We got veggies some apples and a gourd. Baba John Riley and I talked about the significance gourds meant to us as a ppl.
After letting our gourd dry was time to come up with a way to incorporate it into an age appropriate lesson for Masai. We talked about how the Ancestors use to drink out of gourds. This practice started in African. Gourds were made into beYOUitful art. Bowls,jars,pots and the likes(we're so FREAKING creative).
When our Ancestors decided to leave naturally they would use something many of the were familiar with. So check out the fun activity we did with our gourd and be inspired. Also check out the story of the Drinking Gourd told by Morgan Freeman...
(The meanings of the African Symbols)
Top=Eban: love, safety, security
Neck=Nyansapo: wisdom, ingenuity, intelligence & patience
Bandera Ya Taifa: RBG flag
Circle=Adinkrahene: greatness, leadership, charisma, royalty
Right side=Gye Nyame: Supremacy of Elohim
Left side=Akoben: vigilance
After letting our gourd dry was time to come up with a way to incorporate it into an age appropriate lesson for Masai. We talked about how the Ancestors use to drink out of gourds. This practice started in African. Gourds were made into beYOUitful art. Bowls,jars,pots and the likes(we're so FREAKING creative).
When our Ancestors decided to leave naturally they would use something many of the were familiar with. So check out the fun activity we did with our gourd and be inspired. Also check out the story of the Drinking Gourd told by Morgan Freeman...
(The meanings of the African Symbols)
Top=Eban: love, safety, security
Neck=Nyansapo: wisdom, ingenuity, intelligence & patience
Bandera Ya Taifa: RBG flag
Circle=Adinkrahene: greatness, leadership, charisma, royalty
Right side=Gye Nyame: Supremacy of Elohim
Left side=Akoben: vigilance
Sunday, July 9, 2017
Healing Ceremony (Quindaro Ruins)
Our culture and roots are very important to my family. So if was such a blessing for Masai to have been exposure to what happened in KC today,a beautiful piece of our history. Growing up this was our playground and we didn’t think or understand the sacredness of this space. However as an adult I now truly understand the magnitude of what this space means. I have come here many times to commune,meditate,and burn offerings and pour libations.
However today having a collective prayer for our city on sacred land of our Ancestors was very monumental. The largest port of the underground railroad in the midwest. This area is over 3 in football fields length and held tons if Artifacts in which our Ancestors left behind as they escaped to FREEDOM were recovered at this site.
Although we are not free and have never really been afforded the real freedoms others enjoy daily. I think it's still a beYOUitful,thing even despite all that life has given us,we can as a people from all walks of life,and religions come together. Our goal is the same wholeness and healing for our city. So just like our ancestors we have the strength to continue to move FORWARD to attain it. To make our community better all the while working hard to leave a legacy of community, love,and culture for our Seeds! Masai was so PROUD of his sacred rocks…lol they will definitely find a home on our altar~Selah
However today having a collective prayer for our city on sacred land of our Ancestors was very monumental. The largest port of the underground railroad in the midwest. This area is over 3 in football fields length and held tons if Artifacts in which our Ancestors left behind as they escaped to FREEDOM were recovered at this site.
Although we are not free and have never really been afforded the real freedoms others enjoy daily. I think it's still a beYOUitful,thing even despite all that life has given us,we can as a people from all walks of life,and religions come together. Our goal is the same wholeness and healing for our city. So just like our ancestors we have the strength to continue to move FORWARD to attain it. To make our community better all the while working hard to leave a legacy of community, love,and culture for our Seeds! Masai was so PROUD of his sacred rocks…lol they will definitely find a home on our altar~Selah
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Checkout Masai the Warrior's Yellow Meat Watermelon. He is so PROUD of it. This is his 3rd garden. The seeds he used to grow this lil beauty are from seeds he dried out from last year.
If you are not gardening with your babies you definitely should start. Gardening for children has so many amazing benefits.
1.Oneness with their environment
2.Helps them appreciate Moma Earth
3.A healthy does of vitamin D
6.Large motor skills
7.Small motor skills
8.Physical movement
10.Stress relief
11.Immunity builder
12.Encourages clean green eating
13.Builds community
14.Teaches responsibility
15. Entrepreneurship
Masai the Warrior has been the PROUD own of his own business for two years now Masai's Fresh Garden Eats.
Masai also has an fun book on his adventures in gardening .As a result of Masai selling the foods he grew he also opened his first saving account at the age of 3yrs old,with money from all his hard work😍.
If you are not gardening with your babies you definitely should start. Gardening for children has so many amazing benefits.
1.Oneness with their environment
2.Helps them appreciate Moma Earth
3.A healthy does of vitamin D
6.Large motor skills
7.Small motor skills
8.Physical movement
10.Stress relief
11.Immunity builder
12.Encourages clean green eating
13.Builds community
14.Teaches responsibility
15. Entrepreneurship
Masai the Warrior has been the PROUD own of his own business for two years now Masai's Fresh Garden Eats.
Masai also has an fun book on his adventures in gardening .As a result of Masai selling the foods he grew he also opened his first saving account at the age of 3yrs old,with money from all his hard work😍.
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
Keep Moving!
Did you know dancing is a great way to stay in shape and get you body moving!? Masai loooooves to dance(mi too)!!! So I let him pick out some of his favorite song to make a Dancing Playlist!
Most of these songs are songs we play at the Long household.😉! So if you want those Masai the Warrior moves checkout his FAVORITE playlist(he made this list himself). Let's get that body moving!!! Sai's Music:
Most of these songs are songs we play at the Long household.😉! So if you want those Masai the Warrior moves checkout his FAVORITE playlist(he made this list himself). Let's get that body moving!!! Sai's Music:
Sunday, July 2, 2017
You Don't Know Me...
Shalom Y'all,
I shake my head at how easily other's are so quick to stereotype us as melanated ppl(with looks,dumb questions,and stereotypes).Today while in line at the store Masai and I were talking. A lil old lady decided to jump right into our
She first tells Masai how handsome he is, she then proceeds to asked him his 1.Favorite color: Lapis Lazuli(for his 3 eye),Red Black,and Green(because it represent him😂)
2.Favorite restaurant: Chipotle and Blue Nile(we eat with our hands😍)
3.Things he does for fun: dance,play with my Abba,read,meditation,and yoga. Masai Hoshea then proceeds to she her his (skills as he calls them)by busting out in a split that would've made a Olympic Gymnast PROUD!!!! The look on this lady's face was PRICELESS😂!!!
Her reply was most kids like McDonald's and video games....however that's nice😆. The only other melanated lady in line was like,I don't think she was expecting all that😁😄😃! I don't think she was! I SWEAR there is NEVER EVER a dull moment with Masai Hoshea😄😅😂!!!!
Sunni D💙
I shake my head at how easily other's are so quick to stereotype us as melanated ppl(with looks,dumb questions,and stereotypes).Today while in line at the store Masai and I were talking. A lil old lady decided to jump right into our
She first tells Masai how handsome he is, she then proceeds to asked him his 1.Favorite color: Lapis Lazuli(for his 3 eye),Red Black,and Green(because it represent him😂)
2.Favorite restaurant: Chipotle and Blue Nile(we eat with our hands😍)
3.Things he does for fun: dance,play with my Abba,read,meditation,and yoga. Masai Hoshea then proceeds to she her his (skills as he calls them)by busting out in a split that would've made a Olympic Gymnast PROUD!!!! The look on this lady's face was PRICELESS😂!!!
Her reply was most kids like McDonald's and video games....however that's nice😆. The only other melanated lady in line was like,I don't think she was expecting all that😁😄😃! I don't think she was! I SWEAR there is NEVER EVER a dull moment with Masai Hoshea😄😅😂!!!!
Sunni D💙
Monday, June 26, 2017
Sai's Whipped Cream
Shalom Y'all!
If you love fresh fruit like we've come to the right place for a tasty treat. With the hot summer day here to stay fresh fruit is the best comfort food. The city market is a great place to get a beYOUitful variety of delicious colorful fruits, even better is if you've growing your own! So let's jump right in to this amazing recipe.
( Makes 6 servings)
1 cup of full fat coconut milk
1T coconut oil
1 cup of powder sugar
Dash of pink himalayan salt
1/2t vanilla extract
1/4t cinnamon
Freeze coconut milk overnight and coconut oil. Open can and add cream to a mixing bowl, add coconut oil. Blend to combined,it should be smooth and whipped. Add salt, vanilla, and cinnamon. Mix well. Place in icebox for 1hr. Serve on top of mixed friut,or other tasty treats!
Sunni D💙
If you love fresh fruit like we've come to the right place for a tasty treat. With the hot summer day here to stay fresh fruit is the best comfort food. The city market is a great place to get a beYOUitful variety of delicious colorful fruits, even better is if you've growing your own! So let's jump right in to this amazing recipe.
( Makes 6 servings)
1 cup of full fat coconut milk
1T coconut oil
1 cup of powder sugar
Dash of pink himalayan salt
1/2t vanilla extract
1/4t cinnamon
Freeze coconut milk overnight and coconut oil. Open can and add cream to a mixing bowl, add coconut oil. Blend to combined,it should be smooth and whipped. Add salt, vanilla, and cinnamon. Mix well. Place in icebox for 1hr. Serve on top of mixed friut,or other tasty treats!
Sunni D💙
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Masai's First Feature
Today Masai had his gardening book featured as a group gardening class(how dope is that)!!! Thanks to Royale Boy and Tovah TC Tanner who are another homeschooling publishing duo. This opportunity is just one of many Masai the Warrior and I hope to have shared with our community.
Masai the Warrior's mission is to spread holistic health, eating,and living to all his peers. We are truly humbled and honored by this opportunity😉.
Masai the Warrior's mission is to spread holistic health, eating,and living to all his peers. We are truly humbled and honored by this opportunity😉.
Monday, June 19, 2017
Today We Celebrate
What did you do with your Seed's today in celebration of Nineteenth!?!? Masai and I watched a REAL kool short animated cartoon,and talked about the meaning of how it must have felt to be told you were FREE! Unfortunately with tears in my eyes I had to tell my 4yr old Sun.
Although with the mouth we were told we were free. However we have NEVER been free😢. He cried(for his brothers),I cried for my Sun' we decided to take a rest. After a short nap we decided to jump start our celebrations by making homemade Spaghetti and Vegan Veggies Meatballs for Abba and the brother for dinner.
Regardless to how painful it is,we need to make sure our Seeds know our history. So checkout this neat little video
Although with the mouth we were told we were free. However we have NEVER been free😢. He cried(for his brothers),I cried for my Sun' we decided to take a rest. After a short nap we decided to jump start our celebrations by making homemade Spaghetti and Vegan Veggies Meatballs for Abba and the brother for dinner.
Regardless to how painful it is,we need to make sure our Seeds know our history. So checkout this neat little video
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Honeydew Melon and Kiwi
I hoped you have enjoyed our tasty, health,kiddo friendly drinks this week. Masai and I love working in the Lab a.k.a our kitchen brainstorming on new yummy goodies to enjoy and share. So for our last drink of our Kid Friendly Drink Recipes Honeydew Melon and Kiwi steal the show. Both of these amazing fruit are packed with valuable nutritional value. Here are just a few of their awesome benefits.
3. 😍😍😍.
I hoped you have enjoyed our tasty, health,kiddo friendly drinks this week. Masai and I love working in the Lab a.k.a our kitchen brainstorming on new yummy goodies to enjoy and share. So for our last drink of our Kid Friendly Drink Recipes Honeydew Melon and Kiwi steal the show. Both of these amazing fruit are packed with valuable nutritional value. Here are just a few of their awesome benefits.
3. 😍😍😍.
Let jump right into this simple yet powerful and tasty recipe
(Makes 2 servings)
2 cups(cut in chunks)honeydew melon
2 kiwi(cut and scrape from skin)
1/2 baby spinach
1/2 yogurt
1/2 cup nut milk
1/4 cup fresh squeezed orange juice
Place cut honeydew melon, kiwi,and spinach in the cup of your blender.
Add yogurt, nut milk,and orange juice.
Mix on high until well combined.
Pour into glasses and enjoy.
Also taste great frozen into popsicle
Sunni D💙
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Cowabunga Punch
Shalom Y'all!
In keeping in tune with our TMNT theme you definitely want to try our Cowabunga Punch!! Jam packed with two of our favorite fruits Cherries and Strawberries. Checkout just a few of the amazing benefits to these yummy fruits.
Now let's jump right into our recipe...COWABUNGA DUDES😉.
In keeping in tune with our TMNT theme you definitely want to try our Cowabunga Punch!! Jam packed with two of our favorite fruits Cherries and Strawberries. Checkout just a few of the amazing benefits to these yummy fruits.
Now let's jump right into our recipe...COWABUNGA DUDES😉.
(Makes 2 Servings)
12 bing cherries
2 cups strawberries
1/2 vegan yogurt
1/4 cup nut milk
Wash and slice cherries to remove seeds.
Wash and remove stem from strawberries.
Place in the freezer overnight.
Place cherries and strawberries in the blender.
Add yogurt and nut milk
Blend on high until smooth and creamy.
Pour into glasses and enjoy.
Taste divine as popsicle too...yummy
Sunni D💙
Friday, June 16, 2017
Masai's Mutagen Drink
Shalom Y'all,
This drink we are sharing today is one of Masai's own creations! We absolutely love spirulina! We try to take it daily in some form or fashion. That's how this drink came about. Spirulina is jammed packed with tons of beneficial property to it.
So we decided to combine our love for the TMNT and spirulina.... and BAM lol!! You now have a drink even the TMNT would be PROUD to drinks. So check out these amazing benefits of this SUPER food This drink is sure to impress your big or little TMNT. These are also yummy frozen into popsicle... Enjoy!!
This drink we are sharing today is one of Masai's own creations! We absolutely love spirulina! We try to take it daily in some form or fashion. That's how this drink came about. Spirulina is jammed packed with tons of beneficial property to it.
So we decided to combine our love for the TMNT and spirulina.... and BAM lol!! You now have a drink even the TMNT would be PROUD to drinks. So check out these amazing benefits of this SUPER food This drink is sure to impress your big or little TMNT. These are also yummy frozen into popsicle... Enjoy!!
Sunni D💙
Turmeric and Peach Splash
Shalom Y'all,
Our yummy simple kiddo drink is a Masai favorite. Combining turmeric and peaches adds a healthy dose and a great way to start or end the day. Here's a few benefits that are associated with this wonderful and amazing spice Turmeric . So let's jump right into the recipe for today.
(2 servings)
2 cups fresh frozen Sliced peaches
1/2T turmeric
1/4t ground cinnamon
1/4 cup orange juice
Wash and slice peaches. Add slice peaches to a freezer bag and freeze overnight. In the A.M add sliced frozen peaches to high powered blend. Add your turmeric and cinnamon, then top with orange juice. Blend on high until whipped like a slushie. Pour into glasses and enjoy!
Another tasty way to enjoy this Turmeric and Peach Splash Drink is poured into popsicle molds and frozen. Great healthy way to beat the heat!
Sunni D💙
Our yummy simple kiddo drink is a Masai favorite. Combining turmeric and peaches adds a healthy dose and a great way to start or end the day. Here's a few benefits that are associated with this wonderful and amazing spice Turmeric . So let's jump right into the recipe for today.
(2 servings)
2 cups fresh frozen Sliced peaches
1/2T turmeric
1/4t ground cinnamon
1/4 cup orange juice
Wash and slice peaches. Add slice peaches to a freezer bag and freeze overnight. In the A.M add sliced frozen peaches to high powered blend. Add your turmeric and cinnamon, then top with orange juice. Blend on high until whipped like a slushie. Pour into glasses and enjoy!
Another tasty way to enjoy this Turmeric and Peach Splash Drink is poured into popsicle molds and frozen. Great healthy way to beat the heat!
Sunni D💙
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Black Seed Oil Drink
Shalom Y'all
Masai the Warrior and I love to try new things. So we have been enjoying Black Seed Oil. Growing up my mom use to put Black Cumin Seeds on our homemade bread and other items we ate. The benefits of Black Cumin Seeds(Black Seed Oil),is amazing
So Masai and I have been enjoying a tasty Black Seeds Oil drink. Believe it or not Masai actually ask for it daily. So check out this simple easy Black Seed Oil recipe that is sure to be a healthy treat for you and your family as well!
(2 servings)
3 cups distilled water
1 cup fresh cranberries
1T fresh aloe vera gel
1/2 T black seed oil
In a medium size sause pan add water and cranberries. Let cook until cranberries pop smash the rest. Bring to a boil. Turn off cooking eye. Let sit for 10-15 covered with a lid. Strain discard berries(use for smoothies etc). Allow cranberries juice to cool. Add aloe vera gel,and black seed oil(you can and honey to sweeten,we like ours plan). Divide into two glasses and enjoy!
Sunni D💙
Masai the Warrior and I love to try new things. So we have been enjoying Black Seed Oil. Growing up my mom use to put Black Cumin Seeds on our homemade bread and other items we ate. The benefits of Black Cumin Seeds(Black Seed Oil),is amazing
So Masai and I have been enjoying a tasty Black Seeds Oil drink. Believe it or not Masai actually ask for it daily. So check out this simple easy Black Seed Oil recipe that is sure to be a healthy treat for you and your family as well!
(2 servings)
3 cups distilled water
1 cup fresh cranberries
1T fresh aloe vera gel
1/2 T black seed oil
In a medium size sause pan add water and cranberries. Let cook until cranberries pop smash the rest. Bring to a boil. Turn off cooking eye. Let sit for 10-15 covered with a lid. Strain discard berries(use for smoothies etc). Allow cranberries juice to cool. Add aloe vera gel,and black seed oil(you can and honey to sweeten,we like ours plan). Divide into two glasses and enjoy!
Sunni D💙
Monday, June 12, 2017
The BeYOUitful Melanated Child
I pray your start of the week has been full of family,friends dreams reached,goals met,and lots of love. Our week so far has been uneventful. However my youngest Sun Masai the Warrior is full of life and keeps me extremely busy.
He is so full of life and tons of energy....I repeat active and FULL of energy!! As we go through out day to day route I watch him sweep through our daily curriculum and activities,and I'm like woow this lil dude is freaking AWESOME. I've been BLESSED to have birth three of the greatest contribution to the world in the form of my 3 AMAZING Sun's😀.
However #3 has been something of a relearning experience.. lol. Being an older parent(hub's and I will be 58 when he walks across the stage). So at a few months short of 42yrs old I laugh...thinking what the hezzz I done got myself into. Although this is not my first ride on the bus of parenthood (I've got a 22 and 20yr old Sun's).
It's really scary with all that's going on in the world right now, police opening fire on us like it's hunting season,and Africans not knowing their worth killing each other. This world is a kinda screwed up place.
Nonetheless I try hard not to clip his wings with my fears, of what it means to be a melanated male in this world today. I already have anxieties when it comes to his brother's who are out in the elements.
So as hard as it's been seeing our babies being gunned down like animals in the street. I've decided I just have to find a peaceful balance, for my sun. While still instilling healthy discipline, boundaries, communication, and lots of love, patience and understanding. So that he'll be a productive member in society(that unfortunately in a lot of ways still doesn't respect him).I know it'll be work, and hard at time, however such is life!
So if you have a natural born leader (I've been blessed with three), my advice would be keep nurturing their spirit, through love, prayer, meditation and physical stimulating and watch them soar to be all that the Most High has destined them to be, despite a world that wants to stunt his growth!!!
Sunni Delights
No Ordinary Child
To all the parent's of those Strong-willed lil ppl....I salute you!! I've raised 2,working on!! Our babies are literally born geniuses! I understand the task ahead of you.
Embrace it and enjoy the ride.
After working in Early Childhood Education for 23 yrs,with children from ages birth to 3yrs of age. I was simple amazed at the capabilities our children had to learn, grasps,and apply what they were taught. However over time believe it or not structure killed their Spirit. Being told what,and how to do things from 6:30am-5:30pm is an imagination killer.
Unfortunately the term 'Free Choice' you hear thrown around in schools,daycares and the likes. Free choice is really just,a choice of structured Order is definitely needed that's just common sense. However the freedoms to completely be one's unrestricted self is also needed for the whole self and mental health☺.
So if you have never read Dr. Amos N. Wilson "Awaking the Natural Genius of Black Children" you definitely want to grab it up. So all that to say parents stop being KILL JOY'S....and allow your Seed's to be their true unique selves!!! The role of being ordinary is already taken,and being filled by the masses😏
Embrace it and enjoy the ride.
After working in Early Childhood Education for 23 yrs,with children from ages birth to 3yrs of age. I was simple amazed at the capabilities our children had to learn, grasps,and apply what they were taught. However over time believe it or not structure killed their Spirit. Being told what,and how to do things from 6:30am-5:30pm is an imagination killer.
Unfortunately the term 'Free Choice' you hear thrown around in schools,daycares and the likes. Free choice is really just,a choice of structured Order is definitely needed that's just common sense. However the freedoms to completely be one's unrestricted self is also needed for the whole self and mental health☺.
So if you have never read Dr. Amos N. Wilson "Awaking the Natural Genius of Black Children" you definitely want to grab it up. So all that to say parents stop being KILL JOY'S....and allow your Seed's to be their true unique selves!!! The role of being ordinary is already taken,and being filled by the masses😏
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
I Salute You REAL Men Stand Up(Talib Ntwadumela Muwwakkil)
Today my I Salute You REAL Men Stand Up is Talib Ntwadumela Muwwakkil. Talib and I met at a Kwanzaa Celebration in our hometown. A little while after that we became Facebook buddies.
Talib is a joy to interact with on the Book. His bold stance on Melanated Love, History, and the likes is awesome. It's so beYOUitful to see the love and devotion he FREELY share concerning his wife. I love to see him put his beYOUitful soul Sistar Queen on the pedestal she deserves.
So many times we see our men doing side-ways,hurtful,and unnecessary crap,it's such a blessing to see the other side! Talib I met your lovely girls,at a KC Melanated Homeschooling Event. Please keep giving them an example of what Melanated Love looks like(hell keep showing these grown men what it looks like).
Talib I pray Abba Yah continue to bless you and keep you and yours, surrounding you and yours, in light,love,and shalom,as you continue to strive to reach your high calling and completion.....
Talib is a joy to interact with on the Book. His bold stance on Melanated Love, History, and the likes is awesome. It's so beYOUitful to see the love and devotion he FREELY share concerning his wife. I love to see him put his beYOUitful soul Sistar Queen on the pedestal she deserves.
So many times we see our men doing side-ways,hurtful,and unnecessary crap,it's such a blessing to see the other side! Talib I met your lovely girls,at a KC Melanated Homeschooling Event. Please keep giving them an example of what Melanated Love looks like(hell keep showing these grown men what it looks like).
Talib I pray Abba Yah continue to bless you and keep you and yours, surrounding you and yours, in light,love,and shalom,as you continue to strive to reach your high calling and completion.....
I Salute You REAL Men Stand Up(Bonafyde G.Weddington)
Today's I Salute You REAL Men Stand Up is Bonafyde G.Weddington! I actually first met G at the Blue Room in KC at a Poetry Event. Dat o'l country boi got dem!!!
Then in 2009 we officially met when the hubby,(guy I was just dating at the time..hehe),use to host one of the DOPEST weekly poetry events in KC named U-LIT!! It was beYOUitful to see Melanated people's(especially Men),coming together, to express themselves,talk about cultural, current events, and the likes.
Not only is G cold on the mic,dat boi got dem hands in the kitchen. I use to make it a point to go hungry to U-Lit on Wednesday so I could get my eat There are so many factors to the one known as Bonafyde G. I have grown to have so much respect for him as a poet,and professional chef. However what I most admire about G,is his love and devotion for his children.
In a generation were being a half-ass deadbeat parent(father),is unfortunately the norm,it's pretty dope when you see those that are definitely exceptions to the rules. So G not that you need me to give you kudos. Nonetheless in the 9-10 years or so we have known each other,I have so much respect for you.
I'll never forget after Davar and I had been married for a few years,your remark was you the Real one,he(Davar),had other ones, but you the keeper We laughed about that for! Anywho I Salute You Sir,and pray Abba Yah continue to bless the work of your hands,and cover your beYOUitful babies in safety and shalom...light,and love!!!
Then in 2009 we officially met when the hubby,(guy I was just dating at the time..hehe),use to host one of the DOPEST weekly poetry events in KC named U-LIT!! It was beYOUitful to see Melanated people's(especially Men),coming together, to express themselves,talk about cultural, current events, and the likes.
Not only is G cold on the mic,dat boi got dem hands in the kitchen. I use to make it a point to go hungry to U-Lit on Wednesday so I could get my eat There are so many factors to the one known as Bonafyde G. I have grown to have so much respect for him as a poet,and professional chef. However what I most admire about G,is his love and devotion for his children.
In a generation were being a half-ass deadbeat parent(father),is unfortunately the norm,it's pretty dope when you see those that are definitely exceptions to the rules. So G not that you need me to give you kudos. Nonetheless in the 9-10 years or so we have known each other,I have so much respect for you.
I'll never forget after Davar and I had been married for a few years,your remark was you the Real one,he(Davar),had other ones, but you the keeper We laughed about that for! Anywho I Salute You Sir,and pray Abba Yah continue to bless the work of your hands,and cover your beYOUitful babies in safety and shalom...light,and love!!!
Saturday, June 3, 2017
I Salute You REAL Men Stand Up(Eric Person)
Today's I Salute You REAL Men Stand Up is Eric Person! Eric and I first met at a Community event, where Mama C was speaking. Our encounter was brief, however I was very interested in the work he was doing as a Melanated Farmer in KC.
Several weeks later I saw a class he was offering and jumped on the opportunity. My Sun and I have had a garden every year off his life,with most of the food he plants all by his self. So I thought it would be pretty dope for him to see a man(that looked like him) planting,and growing food. This has become something Masai loves to do.
Eric's class was very informative and educational. Masai soaked up every single word of it. So much so that when we got home he told his Abba all about the man with the loc's and Red,Black,and Green(which are his favorite colors) wrist bands,and beYOUitful tribel markings. When he would see post from Eric(on my Facebook page while breastfeeding... lol) he'd get super excited... lol. One day he told his Abba and I that he loved him.
So Eric I know it gets discouraging when you're pouring all you got,into a broken system that doesn't understand,or value what they have in you...can be extremely overwhelming. Nonetheless know your work is needed,appreciated,and valued! Even when it seems no one cares, we salutes you. Also know there's a little boy from the Dotte that watches everything you do,great or small.
So not only do you have the Ancestors holding you up,and surrounding you in positive energy and shalom, you have Masai manifesting Black joy and PRIDE, by seeing the labor of love,and the gifts from your hands. So keep pushing,and lighting the way for the little Melanated children who will benefit from your legacy(Uncle E)..... now that's truly Manifesting Black Joy!
Several weeks later I saw a class he was offering and jumped on the opportunity. My Sun and I have had a garden every year off his life,with most of the food he plants all by his self. So I thought it would be pretty dope for him to see a man(that looked like him) planting,and growing food. This has become something Masai loves to do.
Eric's class was very informative and educational. Masai soaked up every single word of it. So much so that when we got home he told his Abba all about the man with the loc's and Red,Black,and Green(which are his favorite colors) wrist bands,and beYOUitful tribel markings. When he would see post from Eric(on my Facebook page while breastfeeding... lol) he'd get super excited... lol. One day he told his Abba and I that he loved him.
So Eric I know it gets discouraging when you're pouring all you got,into a broken system that doesn't understand,or value what they have in you...can be extremely overwhelming. Nonetheless know your work is needed,appreciated,and valued! Even when it seems no one cares, we salutes you. Also know there's a little boy from the Dotte that watches everything you do,great or small.
So not only do you have the Ancestors holding you up,and surrounding you in positive energy and shalom, you have Masai manifesting Black joy and PRIDE, by seeing the labor of love,and the gifts from your hands. So keep pushing,and lighting the way for the little Melanated children who will benefit from your legacy(Uncle E)..... now that's truly Manifesting Black Joy!
Friday, June 2, 2017
I Salute You REAL Men Stand Up(Michael Vogel)
Today's I Salute You REAL Men Stand Up is my brother Michael Vogel,or as we call him Uncle Mike! I'm giving this tribute to Uncle Mike! Mike stood in the gap for me as a single parent with Sun's.
Uncle Mike has been a part of my Sun's,my Nephews,and little Cousin lives as long as I can remember. From homework,to a place to stay when the boys were feeling themselves... lol. To wrestling matches, and driving lessons he has done it all for my Sun's. No words can every express the love and gratitude I have for you.
You saw a need (a male figure)was needed,and stepped right up and in to fill the role. We love you Uncle Mike, and pray Abba Yah continue to bless you,and keep you surrounded in His love,light and shalom!!
Uncle Mike has been a part of my Sun's,my Nephews,and little Cousin lives as long as I can remember. From homework,to a place to stay when the boys were feeling themselves... lol. To wrestling matches, and driving lessons he has done it all for my Sun's. No words can every express the love and gratitude I have for you.
You saw a need (a male figure)was needed,and stepped right up and in to fill the role. We love you Uncle Mike, and pray Abba Yah continue to bless you,and keep you surrounded in His love,light and shalom!!
Thursday, June 1, 2017
I Salute You REAL Man Stand Up(The Brats)
For my second day of I Salute You REAL Men Stand Up is The Brats(what I call my Sun's)! Robert, Ryan,and Masai are literally my life line. I know people say all the time how much they love their children....well I'm definitely one of'em!
My Sun's have brought me so much joy,and yes a lil However l know without a shadow of a doubt I have been BLESSED with amazing Sun's. I'm very PROUD of the young men they are becoming. I love they way they look out for each other,as well as me!
Even with it being 18,and 16yr space between #1 and #2,with #3,their bond is really tight. I could go on,and on,about the love I have for my Sun's(anyone who knows me,knows that I I love you Brat's and thank Abba daily for allowing me to be your mom! You guys ROCK!
Keep shining,and grinding and living by the standards I installed in you,and you'll go far. Always put Abba Yah first and foremost at the head,and your path will be straight! I love you boy's...light,love,and shalom!
My Sun's have brought me so much joy,and yes a lil However l know without a shadow of a doubt I have been BLESSED with amazing Sun's. I'm very PROUD of the young men they are becoming. I love they way they look out for each other,as well as me!
Even with it being 18,and 16yr space between #1 and #2,with #3,their bond is really tight. I could go on,and on,about the love I have for my Sun's(anyone who knows me,knows that I I love you Brat's and thank Abba daily for allowing me to be your mom! You guys ROCK!
Keep shining,and grinding and living by the standards I installed in you,and you'll go far. Always put Abba Yah first and foremost at the head,and your path will be straight! I love you boy's...light,love,and shalom!
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
The Celebration of SISTARhood is AMAZING!
I had BLAST doing "The Beauty of Melanie a Celebration of SISTARhood Post!!! I have been BLESSED in my 41yrs of life to be surrounded by so many AMAZING women! I've witnessed so many times women that are always in competition with each other..
WTF!!! We all have gifts and talents,I know I'm good at what I do so why are we completing with each other! Like I've ALWAYS said, KC is big enough for us all to get some(or whatever State you're in). We could do so much more if we all pool our talents and resources together.
I honestly believe we can change the world(or at least our communities!! I believe that with all that I am😍!!! So next up I'm doing a few of the Male's I Admire...since in my opinion Father's Day is er'day!!!
Monday, May 29, 2017
The Beauty of Melanie a Celebration of SISTARhood
Friday, May 26, 2017
The Beauty of Melanie a Celebration of SISTARhood(Anaya Phillips)
Today's The Beauty of Melanie a Celebration of SISTARhood is Anaya Phillips! Anaya and I are actually related, she's married to my little(BIG) Anaya and I over the years have formed a special bond that continues to grow STRONGER with time.
I've seen Anaya grow and mature into a beYOUitful woman,wife, mother and friend!
I admire Anaya's drive in trying to achieve her goal as a nurse practitioner. She has worked very hard,so I know it's just a matter of time before she reaches her goal.
Regardless of life issues, Anaya has stayed the course. Anaya I'm so PROUD of you, and know this is just the beginning of all the AMAZING things Abba Yah has in store for you! Keep raising and shining the BEST is definitely Yet to COME,so hold on Ma,and be prepared to receive all the goodness life has to offer. Love ya Ma,light,love,and shalom!!!
I've seen Anaya grow and mature into a beYOUitful woman,wife, mother and friend!
I admire Anaya's drive in trying to achieve her goal as a nurse practitioner. She has worked very hard,so I know it's just a matter of time before she reaches her goal.
Regardless of life issues, Anaya has stayed the course. Anaya I'm so PROUD of you, and know this is just the beginning of all the AMAZING things Abba Yah has in store for you! Keep raising and shining the BEST is definitely Yet to COME,so hold on Ma,and be prepared to receive all the goodness life has to offer. Love ya Ma,light,love,and shalom!!!
Constipation Relief
Do you suffer from occasional constipation? However you don't want to use over the counter pills and the likes. Well I think I may have whatcha need. Most of us grow it in our garden's each year.
Thursday, May 25, 2017
The Beauty of Melanie a Celebration of SISTARhood (Tarshianna Morrow)
Today's The Beauty of Melanie a Celebration of SISTARhood is Tarshianna Morrow! Tarshianna and I met as a result of our hubby's friendship. Although we have only met a couple times(at my Sun's Naming Ceremony and a Hair Show). She definitely left a lasting impression.
Her support,encouragement,and energy has been felt. She was the inspiration for my SISTARhood Group I had in KC. I was inspired to do so after several of her post about her SISTARhood Group, and the connection that her and her Sistar's had. Although the one I had didn't have to be commended to the cause) in order for it to

However I decided to make me a world wide SISTARhood Circle, and I've definitely been blessed because of it. Tarshianna has also been a HUGE supporter of my business. She has posted all of my products, Cookbook,and the likes! For that I am forever grateful.
Tarshianna thank you for being an encouragement to me,showing me and other's the benefits of surrounding yourself with a SISTARhood,a lesson I am thankful for. You my friend are a change agent. I thank you for all you do,and pray Abba Yah continues to bless and keep you,the hubby,and the seeds.....light,love,and shalom!!!
Her support,encouragement,and energy has been felt. She was the inspiration for my SISTARhood Group I had in KC. I was inspired to do so after several of her post about her SISTARhood Group, and the connection that her and her Sistar's had. Although the one I had didn't have to be commended to the cause) in order for it to

However I decided to make me a world wide SISTARhood Circle, and I've definitely been blessed because of it. Tarshianna has also been a HUGE supporter of my business. She has posted all of my products, Cookbook,and the likes! For that I am forever grateful.
Tarshianna thank you for being an encouragement to me,showing me and other's the benefits of surrounding yourself with a SISTARhood,a lesson I am thankful for. You my friend are a change agent. I thank you for all you do,and pray Abba Yah continues to bless and keep you,the hubby,and the seeds.....light,love,and shalom!!!
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
The Beauty of Melanie a Celebration of SISTARhood(Sheena Mann)
Today's the Beauty of Melanie a Celebration of SISTARhood is Sheena Mann! I've known Sheena all her life. We grew up in the Seventh Day Adventist Faith. Although I was several years older we always had a pretty close connection.
One of my first jobs was getting paid $20 a week to do her Sheena had tons and tons of it. So every Shabbat we'd meet up early at Real Truth Seventh Day Adventist Church so I could fix her and her sister's hair up for the week.
Over the years our bond has continued to grow. I've seen Sheena turn out to be an amazing, loving, and caring person. A person who is always looking out for others. That has been her life's mission. Sheena has always been a supporter of the forgotten less fortunate,and the underdog.
Sheena has actually made that her life's work. Helping others is something that has been ingrained in her from birth,both of her parents are the same way. I often tell her it's a blessing and a curse(because unfortunately there are users in the world)!
Not only has Sheena and my relationship stood the test of time, she also has an excellent bond with my #3 Masai,she's one of his Yah-Parents. From birth until Masai turned 2yrs old I NEVER purchased a diaper,wet wipe,shoe,sock,clothes etc. Him Auntie(as Masai affectionately calls her),was there to help out. Which was a true blessing indeed.
Sheena no one knows what the future holds. However I want to thank you for all you do!! For all you have done for me and my family. I'm PROUD of the beYOUitful woman you have become. WE LOVE YOU Auntie, and pray for you daily(Masai and I), asking Abba Yah to keep you protected. That Abba continues to bless the works of your hands,and keep you surrounded in light,love,and shalom!!
One of my first jobs was getting paid $20 a week to do her Sheena had tons and tons of it. So every Shabbat we'd meet up early at Real Truth Seventh Day Adventist Church so I could fix her and her sister's hair up for the week.
Over the years our bond has continued to grow. I've seen Sheena turn out to be an amazing, loving, and caring person. A person who is always looking out for others. That has been her life's mission. Sheena has always been a supporter of the forgotten less fortunate,and the underdog.
Sheena has actually made that her life's work. Helping others is something that has been ingrained in her from birth,both of her parents are the same way. I often tell her it's a blessing and a curse(because unfortunately there are users in the world)!
Not only has Sheena and my relationship stood the test of time, she also has an excellent bond with my #3 Masai,she's one of his Yah-Parents. From birth until Masai turned 2yrs old I NEVER purchased a diaper,wet wipe,shoe,sock,clothes etc. Him Auntie(as Masai affectionately calls her),was there to help out. Which was a true blessing indeed.
Sheena no one knows what the future holds. However I want to thank you for all you do!! For all you have done for me and my family. I'm PROUD of the beYOUitful woman you have become. WE LOVE YOU Auntie, and pray for you daily(Masai and I), asking Abba Yah to keep you protected. That Abba continues to bless the works of your hands,and keep you surrounded in light,love,and shalom!!
Monday, May 22, 2017
The Beauty of Melanie a Celebration of SISTARhood(Paula Jackson)
Today's the Beauty of Melanie a Celebration of SISTARhood is Paula Jackson! I met Paula about 8 or so years ago. Her and my Sun have a daughter together. When I first found out that my 17yrs old Sun was about to have a child,to say I was disappointed is an understatement.
However once the shock wore off,we all jumped on deck to make things happen. I remember telling Paula how breastfeeding is the best course of action for babies. So I signed her up for a breastfeeding class. Paula attended every single session(I was with her of course, wanted to make sure they were on point)! Regardless of Paula still being a teenage mom her and my G-bady had a successful 18-19 month breastfeeding journey. Another PROUD moment!
Once we found out she was having a girl,my whole world was! A girl?? What am I supposed to do with that. I can do hair and the likes,but girly stuff yikes!
Needless to say I had nothing to fear her amazing Aunties give the G-bady all the girly attention she needs,while we on this side rock superheroes. Super Girl is the fav at the moment.
Paula is an amazing mother to my G-bady!!! I swear I couldn't have asked for a better person to work with to ensure the overall wholeness for Lakyra. Although Paula and my Sun's young love didn't survive, I am blessed to say she is married to an awesome young man. He has definitely stepped into his role in caring for Paula and my G-bady.
Paula I can NEVER express how PROUD I am of you! You are an amazing young lady. I thank Abba Yah for you daily. I pray your strength to endure whatever challenges come your way. I pray you and Q continue to let love surround you,so your unit will always be strong. I pray you are able to stand up to the day to day life issues of being a mom,and wife.
I love ya lady,and will always be here for you. We will continue to make sure Lakyra's village is on point. To ensure she has the tools to make it in this life. Keep working on you,and making sure you are the BEST you. First for yourself then everyone else(self care is important). Again love ya,and thank you for BLESSING me with one of the four best things(my 3 Sun's and G-bady), that's EVER happened to me!
However once the shock wore off,we all jumped on deck to make things happen. I remember telling Paula how breastfeeding is the best course of action for babies. So I signed her up for a breastfeeding class. Paula attended every single session(I was with her of course, wanted to make sure they were on point)! Regardless of Paula still being a teenage mom her and my G-bady had a successful 18-19 month breastfeeding journey. Another PROUD moment!
Once we found out she was having a girl,my whole world was! A girl?? What am I supposed to do with that. I can do hair and the likes,but girly stuff yikes!
Needless to say I had nothing to fear her amazing Aunties give the G-bady all the girly attention she needs,while we on this side rock superheroes. Super Girl is the fav at the moment.
Paula is an amazing mother to my G-bady!!! I swear I couldn't have asked for a better person to work with to ensure the overall wholeness for Lakyra. Although Paula and my Sun's young love didn't survive, I am blessed to say she is married to an awesome young man. He has definitely stepped into his role in caring for Paula and my G-bady.
Paula I can NEVER express how PROUD I am of you! You are an amazing young lady. I thank Abba Yah for you daily. I pray your strength to endure whatever challenges come your way. I pray you and Q continue to let love surround you,so your unit will always be strong. I pray you are able to stand up to the day to day life issues of being a mom,and wife.
I love ya lady,and will always be here for you. We will continue to make sure Lakyra's village is on point. To ensure she has the tools to make it in this life. Keep working on you,and making sure you are the BEST you. First for yourself then everyone else(self care is important). Again love ya,and thank you for BLESSING me with one of the four best things(my 3 Sun's and G-bady), that's EVER happened to me!
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