This is one of my absolute fav thangs to do with all the Basil we grow(or make Wine🤪)! Many of the herbs I grow I do so with the intentions of using them for spells and rituals. Basil also has some of the most amazing healing and spiritual properties. It’s a must just for spaghetti and pesto lol. My Ancestors used what they had to put in this work…so blessed to be able to follow suit. So do a lil magick and drink a lil water…Life and Light✌🏾
Basil,Orange,and Blueberries Water
Whatcha Need:
2 cups fresh Blueberries
2 oranges
1/2 cup fresh basil
How it’s Done:
1. Wash berries and oranges(I like to keep the skin on).
2. Slice oranges in slices or chunks
3. Smash or squeeze basil to release all the goodness.
4. Fill a pitcher with 64oz of water.
5. Add all ingredients.
6. Let it sit for a hour or so and enjoy!
This blend also makes amazing ice cubes for tea,wines,and the likes☺️.