Saturday, April 15, 2017

I Said I Wanted To Breastfed!

Shalom Y'all,
                 While going through my timeline on Facebook, several of my friends posted an article about Melanated Women's desire to breastfed is sometimes over look,or disregarded. I know this to be true because it happen to me!

When I had #1 at 20yrs old(22 yrs ago),I was super excited and nervous about breastfeeding. However I knew it was something I'd do,because I'd seen it done by the women in my family, so it was a no brainier. My ex-hubby and I were ready to take on the world... lol.

Unfortunately without me knowing the tramps(yes these TRAMPS that call themselves nurses)fed him formula/bottles. I couldn't understand why he wasn't breastfeeding and he refused to latching on. Breastfeeding takes more work. With bottle feed the milks right there.

Needless to say the 1st few weeks were HORRIBLE, he's crying hell I'm crying... just the worst week every. I felt like it was my fault. So pleased I had my Aunties in my corner telling me hang in there it gets better. When I called them from Chi-town sobbing one of my Aunties said Bookey(my nickname) stop right now and get it to together,and no matter what DO NOT give him a bottle or formula( lol old skool)he get hungry enough he'll figure it out.

 So with lots of encouragement, tears LOT'S and LOOOOOT'S of tears we had an AMAZING breastfeeding journey. So much so that I was asked to speak at many different WIC meeting(in the early 90's geared for AA and Breastfeeding). So when #2 came along 2yrs later....I wish a ninja would!!! Er'body know and was VERY clear of my Breastfeeding wishes this time around TRUST😏😂!!!!
                                                                                                                   Light,Love,and Shalom


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