Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Happiest Hoodoo All Saints Day!


Many people have asked me what are my religious beliefs,because of my often giving praises and homage to the Ancestors/Moma Earth and Universe. So here is a brief description of the practice of Hoodoo(but most definitely not limited 2),that explains the many facets of who I am. Ancestors and Universe forever be praised~Ase’O 










Hoodoo a system that was developed in the slave plantations of the Southern United States as an act of resistance, and has since evolved to match the ever-changing social climate of African American people. Hoodoo (also known as rootwork) is Southern folk magic grounded in centuries of African American heritage within the southern United States. 

Hoodoo is often known by other names including: conjure, rootwork, root doctoring, laying tricks, working roots or doing the "work". It is important to note, that contrary to what some authors may write in their books, Hoodoo is NOT Voodoo (Vodou). Hoodoo blends together the magical technology of Congo slaves that were taken from Africa in the slave trade, combined with their herbal knowledge,bits of folk magic and Jewish mysticism.

It consists of ancestor veneration, Medicines for physical ailments as well as spiritual ones, divination, conjuring of spirits and different types of "hands" used for helping with all  social aspects of life such as employment, relationships, and the many legal issues and oppressive factors that African Americans were subject to in the time of the Black Codes and Jim Crow.  Hoodoo works to heal the whole person, provide protection and help, and to also harm and rearrange someones life if need be.

Contrary to popular belief, Practicing Christianity is NOT a requirement for practicing the system of Hoodoo....However, as Christianity phased into the lives of early African Americans, Hoodoo, in turn, made it's way right into the Baptist, Sanctified, and AME churches doors! Many Hoodoo influences are still seen in the Black church today, despite the religion's malice toward "witchcraft In many cases Christianity and Hoodoo were used hand in hand...in others, they were used against one another.  

Hoodoo/Rootwork emphasizes the power of natural curios and the practitioner over prayer to deities. This allows Hoodoo to exist outside of a specific spiritual or religious belief system. While rootworkers will pray the Psalms and The Lord's Prayer during their spell work, they see this as a way of God assisting in the work. The work can still take place whether the person prays that specific Psalm or not.

Rootwork is firmly grounded in a very practical approach to magic. Getting results is the most important thing, and most types of spells are based on very common every-day needs like: drawing money, love, protection or dealing with pestiferous people. Unfortunately the prominence gained by Christianity in the Black American community, many Hoodoo traditions faded away into the darkness, merely as whispers of "silly old folk superstition". 

Again Hoodoo is NOT Voodoo (Vodou). Hoodoo is southern folk magic from the United States devoid of any religious ties. It is a magical technology - plain and simple - developed by the Black descendants of African slaves brought to this country. 

However, wypipo knew the deal & the value of the magic of the slaves...so they appropriated it, watered it down with a bunch of bs over the years, and are currently out here commercializing it (Hoodoo Delish) and trying to sell it back to us through books and other Hoodoo related items while also attempting to push ppl of African descent out of our own culture,history,and birthright! 

Here are a few things I use(however not limited 2)in rootwork...

1. Spiritual Cleansing Baths

2. Herbs for Cleansing and Healing

3. Candles 

4. Stones and Crystals 

5. Energy 

6. Meditation 

7. Affirmations 

8. Touch

I Am Light🔥 

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