Sunday, November 21, 2021

Let the “Beet”Drop

Yoooooo let the “Beet” drop!!! For the last few years we’ve been growing beets. Beets are now as an adult one of my favorite veggies(can’t say that when I was a kid lol). However after using a old skool recipe for canning them it became real real for me. Getting down to the rich benefits and eating these little tart red balls have been fun and delicious! 





1. Beets are a source of valuable nutrients and fiber

Beetroot contains vitamins A,C,and B group. They are a good source of calcium, iron magnesium, potassium, manganese and fibre.

2. Beet greens are edible

Beet greens, the leafy part of the vegetable are the healthiest part of the plant. They contain the vitamins and minerals found in the root as well as, fibre, vitamin B6, and have significant amounts of vitamin A and C, calcium and iron.

3. Beets can lower blood pressure

The inorganic nitrate content of beets is converted to nitric oxide which helps improve blood flow. This is beneficial on the cardiovascular system and helps reduce blood pressure and improve blood flow.

4. Beets fight inflammation

Beets can help fight inflammation. They are a source of betaine which protects cells from environmental stress. Eating beets regularly has a powerful effect due to their anti-inflammatory properties. 

5. Beets boost stamina and energy levels

Beets have significant amounts of carbohydrates to provide fuel for energy and sports activities. Researchers have noticed that oxygen intake increases by up to 16% in stamina for exercise. 

6. Beets are good for heart health

The nutrient betaine found in beets lowers levels of homocysteine which can be harmful to blood vessels. Eating beetroot helps prevent cardiovascular diseases as the fibre in beets strip excess LDL cholesterol from the walls of the blood vessels and eliminates it from the body quickly.

7. Beets have anti cancer properties

The cancerous cell growth in lung, skin and colon cancer can be counteracted by the pigment betacyanin is obtained from drinking beet juice. Beetroot extract is being studied for use in treating pancreatic cancer, breast and prostate cancer. Studies show that betalains are good at protecting the body against developing some cancers like lung,stomach, colon and breast cancer.

8. Beets help your body detox

Beets support detoxification of the whole body and strengthen the immune system. Beetroot extract helps to get rid of free radicals from your body’s cells. 

9. Beets are good for liver health

The betaines contained in beet juice stimulate the function of the liver. Extracts of beetroot help prevent fat accumulating in the liver. This reduces oxidative stress levels.Beet juice is a very effective way to help your liver to get rid of damaging toxins.

10. Beets can reduce the risks of birth defects

Beets are very good for pregnant women as they are a rich source of vitamin B folate. This vitamin helps in the development of the infant’s spinal column. A deficiency of folate could lead to a variety of conditions called neural tube defects. The vitamin B folate lowers the dangers of birth defects in babies. The vitamin B folate in beets is very good for pregnant women as the vitamin B helps in the development of the infant’s spinal column.

11. Beets reduce the risk of strokes

A deficiency of potassium in the body increases the risk of strokes and so the beetroot that is rich in potassium is recommended to improve heart health. Potassium relaxes the blood vessels and reduces blood pressure throughout the body. Blood clots are less likely to form when blood pressure is reduced and vessels and arteries are no longer contracted.

12. Beets supports mental health

Beets are a good source of folate, also known as B-9 it is important for good brain health. Folate works with B12 to help iron function in your body and produce red blood cells. The nitric oxide produced from beets helps increase blood flow throughout your body. This improves blood flow to the frontal lobes of the brain.Blood flow to the brain decreases with age and this can lead to a decline in cognition. Drinking beet juice can improve oxygenation to the brain slowing down the process of dementia. Beets have high levels of tryptophan that keeps you relaxed and calm. They also contain betalain used in anti-depressants.

13. Beets will strengthen the immune system

Beets are high in immune boosting vitamin C, fibre and essential minerals like potassium that is essential for the health of nerves and muscle function.Beet greens may help boost bone strength and strengthen your immune system by stimulating the production of antibodies and white blood cells. Beets provide the immune boosting vitamin C with fibre and essential minerals that stimulate the production of antibodies.

14. Beets can act as an aphrodisiac

Beets contain significant levels of the mineral boron which is directly related to the production of human sex hormones. This leads to a boost in libido, increased fertility, sperm mobility, and a reduction of frigidity in the bedroom.

15. Beets have anti-aging properties too

Beets can help prevent age related cataracts and reduce macular degeneration with its vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant substance that can defend the eye against free radicals. They can help prevent kidney damage as they get rid of free radicals that can cause kidney disease.

9 Impressive Health Benefits of Beets

* Many Nutrients in Few Calories. ...

* Help Keep Blood Pressure in Check. ...

* Can Improve Athletic Performance. ...

* May Help Fight Inflammation. ...

* May Improve Digestive Health. ...

* May Help Support Brain Health. ...

* May Have Some Anti-Cancer Properties. ...

* May Help You Lose Weight…

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