Thursday, June 2, 2022

NarrowLeaf Plantain Pizza

 Here’s one of the many ways we use Moma Earth’s Beyoutiful bounty and blessings. Pizza! Yes ya heard me right P-I-Z-Z-A!!! This is our NarrowLeaf Plantain Pizza🤪!

NarrowLeaf Plantain,like dandelion,is a healthy, hardy weed as ubiquitous in the city as broken glass.You know what it looks like,but you might not have known the name. Plantain has a nutritional profile similar to dandelion that is,loaded with iron and other important vitamins and minerals! The leaves are tastiest when small and tender,usually in the spring but whenever new shoots appear after being cut back by a lawnmower. Bigger leaves are edible but bitter and fibrous.The shoots of the broadleaf plantain,when green and tender and no longer than about four inches,can be described as a poor-man's fiddlehead,with a nutty,asparagus like taste.

Pre-made pizza crust(store brought or homemade)

4 Vegan style sausages(cut or diced)

1 small onion, chopped

1 can(15 ounces)tomato sauce(we usually use what we can throughout the year)

3 teaspoons dried oregano

1 teaspoon dried basil

1 medium green pepper(diced or sliced)

2 cups narrowleaf plantain(chopped)

2 cups vegan or regular cheese(if not vegan)

Assemble pizza add all the love and goodness in. Pop in the oven for 15-20mins at 350 or until cheese is bubbly. Allow to cool for 3-5mins. Cut! Serve! Enjoy! Goes REALLY well with our Dandelion/Curly Burdock Soda😜!!!




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