Monday, May 15, 2017

The Beauty of Melanie a Celebration of SISTARhood(Shanell Petersen-Reffell)

 When I tell you upon the first time meeting you I was very much so impressed!!! I came home and told my hubby this Sistar is dope her style is awesome the whole 9. However the memory for me that stood out was the day you walked in with your freeform locks,pants several sizes to big,Nella Yoga shirt on and took your position in front to start

The looks on some of the students faces was  priceless. Then your hubby walks into your studio in FULL military gear. I was to out! Your class couldn't got over fast enough before I called the hub's like....these 2 here are the REAL DEAL!!!!

Not only is she the #1 in KC for Beginniners Yoga,Shanell is also the mom of two adorable and VERY active twin girl(and pregnant with #3),she is also a wife,and a community activist. Shanell also does a lot with the Vegan community by bringing awareness through classes.Shanell is a REAL change agent!

I for one absolutely love her meditation class. So whenever I need to regroup,quite my mind,and focus on wholeness from the inside out Shanell Petersen-Reffell and Nella Yoga is sooo where it's at!!! So all that to say...I love your ministry, I salute your desire to give back to the's to many,many more years

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