Sunday, May 21, 2017

The Beauty of Melanie a Celebration of SISTARhood(Frances Williams)

Today's The Beauty of Melanie a Celebration of SISTARhood is Frances Williams! Frances and I met through her hubby whom I've known since he was a baby. We were both at one time members of the Seventh Day Adventist Faith. Our families are more like family them friends.

So when the hubby came home one day and told me about a young man and his wife that wanted to come over to study with us on Shabbat...I'm like sure theythemore than welcome to come. So to my surprise it was Royce and his beYOUitful wife Frances.

There were lot's of hugs and catching up, seeing as I hadn't seen him since he was a little boy. Now he had a wife and a Sun himself. So needless to say Frances and I hit it off from the jump. I was beyond impressed with her when she told me she moved to the States and had to pretty much leave everything,and learn a lot of stuff over since she was ftom Puerto Rico.

Over the months after we met. Frances told me her desire to raise their Sun as holistic as possible, so we talked often about how to go about doing that. Even when others just didn't understand or agree. I would give Frances information to research and she'd be going toe to toe with others on the subject. However she always had facts to back up what she was saying.

We tag teamed on several occasions about the harmful side effects of vaccinations, the benefits to breastfeeding,diet,and our stance on religion issues as well! We've even been blocked and had our comments deleted. Lol we'd get a kick out of the whole thing. However we definitely made our point.

So with all that being said Frances I'm so PROUD of you and Royce. I love the beYOUitful union that's you,I love seeing all the pictures of the three(so to be four),of you guys! I'm blessed to have you as part of my Sistarhood Circle!! I pray for you guys daily that Abba Yah continues to bless the works of your hands. That He keeps you safe from all,hurts harm,or danger,and He always keeps you wrapped in shalom.

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