Monday, May 22, 2017

The Beauty of Melanie a Celebration of SISTARhood(Paula Jackson)

Today's the Beauty of Melanie a Celebration of SISTARhood is Paula Jackson! I met Paula about 8 or so years ago. Her and my Sun have a daughter together. When I first found out that my 17yrs old Sun was about to have a child,to say I was disappointed is an understatement.

However once the shock wore off,we all jumped on deck to make things happen. I remember telling Paula how breastfeeding is the best course of action for babies. So I signed her up for a breastfeeding class. Paula attended every single session(I was with her of course, wanted to make sure they were on point)! Regardless of Paula still being a teenage mom her and my G-bady had a successful 18-19 month breastfeeding journey. Another PROUD moment!

Once we found out she was having a girl,my whole world was! A girl?? What am I supposed to do with that. I can do hair and the likes,but girly stuff yikes!
Needless to say I had nothing to fear her amazing Aunties give the G-bady all the girly attention she needs,while we on this side rock superheroes. Super Girl is the fav at the moment.

Paula is an amazing mother to my G-bady!!! I swear I couldn't have asked for a better person to work with to ensure the overall wholeness for Lakyra. Although Paula and my Sun's young love didn't survive, I am blessed to say she is married to an awesome young man. He has definitely stepped into his role in caring for Paula and my G-bady.

Paula I can NEVER express how PROUD I am of you! You are an amazing young lady. I thank Abba Yah for you daily. I pray your strength to endure whatever challenges come your way. I pray you and Q continue to let love surround you,so your unit will always be strong. I pray you are able to stand up to the day to day life issues of being a mom,and wife.

I love ya lady,and will always be here for you. We will continue to make sure Lakyra's village is on point. To ensure she has the tools to make it in this life. Keep working on you,and making sure you are the BEST you. First for yourself then everyone else(self care is important). Again love ya,and thank you for BLESSING me with one of the four best things(my 3 Sun's and G-bady), that's EVER happened to me!

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